Thursday, April 30, 2009


Just got home from another fun day at work. I swear sometimes I really do just hate people. You know it's not going to be a fun day when you hear about the crap coming your way as soon as you walk into work. Oh well, nothing I can do now except relax and begin the vacation planning. The flight still leaves at 6:45 Saturday morning. I'll be in lovely southern Maine for most of the next week, visiting friends and my grandmother. I can't begin to tell you how much I need this. It's time to kick back, recharge the batteries and show some kids how to get down. It seems they always forget while I'm gone. Enjoy the Charleston weather!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The countdown is on! By this time on Saturday I'll have a few drinks in me and we'll be looking for a place to get that groove on! Can't wait to see my long lost friends, I miss the hell out of them. Hope you kids are ready to get down, I don't think you can keep up anymore!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So tonight was another one of those bad games. Had one on my first team last Sunday. Tonight was the first bad one on the second team. Something in the air I guess. Though we did just fine on Monday so I don't really understand it. Oh well, nothing I can do now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last night

So we got together for Blake's birthday last night. Just a small group as most everybody else had other plans. We went over to BW3's to watch the UFC ppv and have some grub. The food was good, the drinks were pretty strong. The fights were not though. Hate to see Chuck get knocked out like that again. Hopefully he's not done fighting, I always enjoy watching his fights at least. The Silva -vs- Lehtes fight was awful. At the end of the fights we went over to Thee Southern Belle to see some naked ladies. Again, it was fun but not all that live. Hopefully next time the group is a little bigger and there are a couple more girls to keep Diane company. Don't get me wrong, there were some good looking girls working but not the ones I liked from our last visit. And I made it home before 4 a.m. which is always a good start. It's just about time to get motivated for the day. Softball in a couple of hours. Enjoy the day!

Friday, April 17, 2009


So just about from the time I was born until just a few short years ago I spent much of my life on the move. My father is a Senior Project Manager for a construction company. He's always taken the tough or important jobs since I was little. Because of that, the company moved us to where the site is. Texas, Alabama, Maine, New York, Ohio... the list goes on. We didn't stop moving until about the time I was 15. When I was younger I hated it. I was and still am a mostly shy person. It took me forever to make friends. It seemed like as soon as I began to feel comfortable in the new town or school it was time to move again. As an adult I'm able to appreciate the variety of it all. I feel like I've become a well rounded person. The thing now is at what point to I finally put down permanent roots. I started to do that while married but in 2005 I uprooted again and found myself in Charleston. I love it here, but still haven't decided what the next step is. Where do I land next? Is there a "next" or do I just stay here. I enjoy my routines, but often wonder if I'm missing out on more. More what? See, that's the problem. I just don't know.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I agree with Rob

I was raised Catholic but haven't been to church in at least 10 years. I understand the significance of today but still hate the fact the regular life has to stop for a complete day. Oops, I forgot to get something I needed so I'll make a quick run up the road to any store to get it. Wrong. They're all closed today. Okay then, maybe I'll go to the gym tonight to work of some of the candy. Wrong. They're closed too. The one time I wish I didn't go to a gym that had to be opened by an employee. I worked in the service industry for 4 years. I worked almost every holiday. Sometimes double shifts because so and so didn't show up for work. There is no reason for my life to have to come to a hold because of something you believe in. It's bad enough I can't get anything from Chick-fil-a on Sunday at all because all the employees are at church. Stupid bible belt.

Monday, April 6, 2009


So I need you to explain this to me because I just don't seem to get it. Why the hell would I say I'm sorry for something I'm not sorry for? As I've gotten older I've gotten a little better at thinking before speaking. Sometimes I'm guilty of over-thinking everything before making a decision. But if I took a breath or two before I spoke don't you think I knew what I was saying? Or doing for that matter. But why the hell would I say I'm sorry if I could care less about your view of anything? Now, I'm a nice guy; I hear that all the time. Those of you that actually know me know that I can be a huge asshole. In fact I do it just because I can at times. But let's be honest for a second. Wouldn't you rather know that when I actually said "I'm sorry for ____" that I meant it. Then it wouldn't just be me saying whatever to make you feel better even though I'm lying through my teeth. See what I'm saying?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A quickie

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERSEY!!!!!! Had a great time last night on my favorite Jersey Girl's birthday eve bash at Dreaming. How can you pass up $1.95 well drinks all evening!!! Though the service wasn't all that good I still had a great time. The only hiccup was the 20 minutes I had to spend cleaning the all white shoes that I really shouldn't of worn last night but couldn't pass them up. The good news is they're perfectly clean now and I'm off to play an amazing game of softball in perfect weather and follow it up with some burgers and drinks. Welcome to living the dream!! Pics to follow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The beauty of an extra day

I always forget how sweet an extra day off actually is. I slept in. Upon rising, I made myself a nice breakfast of french toast, sausage and a banana. Links of course, not patties. While eating I watched a little Sportscenter and some music videos during the commercials. Then a jaunt to the gym to get my swole on. Afterward I enjoyed a nice hot shower and lunch. Now I'm downloading some more music and trying to decide what to do when I get done doing that. Maybe another quick excursion to the mall for the ever elusive new pair of kicks? Or maybe I'll just sit on my ass for the rest of the day and watch movies. Only time will tell. But if this was Saturday or Sunday I'd feel the need to be doing something so as to no waste the days off. Not today though, today is a freebie!