Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A simple smile.

It is absolutely amazing how just a simple smile can actually change your day.  With the way everything has been going for me lately, I can't help but have great days.  I really and honestly love my life.  That being said, it's not without it's bad moments.  Nothing major, just annoyances or irritations.  But there has been a pretty constant smile in my days.

To those of you who I talk to that are smiling, happy people... thank you.  I am often surrounded by idiots and negative people.  I understand how crappy getting up in the morning is.  But I don't walk into work set on being an asshole to people just cause I'm up.  And I'll admit there's been this one infectious smile recently.  Every time I see it, I can't help but smile bigger.  And I can't get enough of that feeling.  I hope more than anything at this point that it never goes away.  And I intend to do my best to pass that feeling along to as many other people as possible.  So get ready, it's time for a big group smile.

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