Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, in case you didn't know, I hate doing cardio. I enjoy going to the gym and finding a nice new gym girlfriend to silently gaze at her from afar. I say gaze, or possibly gazing, but never staring at creepily contrary to what Stephanie thinks I do. Like pretty much everybody else in Pivotal I'm there for myself. I'm still trying to lose a decent amount of weight. I'm still shedding around a pound a week, which is what I wanted to do. The problem for me is running. I like running in softball or when I'm playing a sport. Whomever decided that it's awesome to run on a stationary object is an idiot. But I have no desire to run around South Carolina in the middle of the summer when it's 100 degrees out so stationary it is. Now I'm no long distance runner but if a man with a knife was chasing me I'd do my best to get the hell out of the way for as long as possible. He'd catch me though, I'm not that fast. Oh, and tonight while running my fat ass on a piece of carpet that moves I decided I really hate you thin bastards who can eat anything you want and still look great. And I'm not even kidding, I really do hate you. And don't tell me that you wish you could gain weight, we both know that's a lie. You just say that to make us feel a little better but it never does. So shortly here I'll try to get some sleep and do it all again tomorrow. All the while running, sweating and cursing all food that just simply tastes good for beating the shit out of my will power.

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