Sunday, March 15, 2009


So it took me close to 3 years but I managed to eliminate all of my drama. I've really been trying to live with the mentality that it's just not worth it. I used to feed on the energy that drama brought. I remember liking being fired up, which for me was usually anger. I've let all that crap go. Now, that's not to say that I still don't get fired up about some stuff. My job is something I take pride in being really good at. Due to other people's inability to do their own job I will sometimes catch a line of crap that has nothing to do with me. Normally I speak exactly what's on my mind, sometimes I wish that filter was better. And I still get pissed when people make stupid comments. But traffic and all that little crap doesn't weigh me down at all. I think to fill the void I've started to want to get into other people's drama. Not like knee deep, but just enough to keep me wanting more. I've never really thought I've had an addictive personality. I've never had a problem with wanting to drink to excess. Never had a problem with drugs, although I can't give up my Diet Coke. And I know I'm addicted to sex, but that doesn't count. Guess it's something I'll have to really look into at some point.

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