Friday, February 18, 2011

Your attitude

If I take time out of my day to make sure you're having a good day, leave your crap at the door when we talk. I know that I tend to have more free time than most during the work day. It's not that I'm not busy, I'm just very efficient normally. I can knock out my own stuff and still make time to say hello without taking away from anything. And I understand that many of you lead way more involved lives than I do. My life is pretty damn simple. No significant other. No kids. When I leave work, that's the last time I have to deal with it until I return tomorrow. But that's done by my choice.

Understand this please. I check on you because I care. Not because I'm bored. And if you're having a crappy day and it's not my fault, don't start snapping at me. When you do, I always tell you I'll just talk to you when you're in a better mood. And yet almost every time I get snapped at because I made the decision to walk away and keep my good mood going. When I'm having a hard time, you don't hear from me. Or, I immediately tell you I'm not in the mood to talk and I'll get at you when the timing is better.

If you don't like your job, do something about it. If you don't like the people at your job, do something about it. If you don't like the way your spouse spoke/treated you, do something about it. If you don't like your kids attitude, do something about it. Great news, I'm not the cause of any of that stuff. So quit coming at me like I've had anything to do with it. If you want to vent, you've got my number. But if you want a fight, I'm the wrong guy. Because I don't fight fair. I will deliberately hurt your feelings to get you to shut up. You won't like my attitude when I finally get fed up with dealing with your crap.

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