Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If you see me talking on the phone

If you see me talking on the phone, DON'T TALK TO ME! If you see me on the phone, you've found me. Unless I'm walking around a store and shopping, then you just see me in passing. But, by the time I get to the counter to pay for stuff, I'm off the phone. If you start talking and don't realize I'm on the phone, that's ok. Just stop talking to me when you see I'm on it.

And if you're on the phone with me, STOP HAVING OTHER CONVERSATIONS. That shit drives me nuts. I try to not have other conversations when I'm talking to you. Doesn't always work. That's where the first half of the rant comes into play. But I try. So, please, do me a favor and try and tighten up your game.

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